Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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Curatorial Intensive Buenos Aires 2013

Aug 18 – 24, 2013

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires (MACBA)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Desarrollado por ICI en colaboración con MACBA - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires, el Curatorial Intensive On Curating: Between Theory and Practice examinó los desarrollos del campo curatorial y el papel cambiante del curador, mientras explora iniciativas basadas en la investigación, proyectos independientes , cobranzas y construcción institucional, y nuevas arquitecturas financieras, entre otros temas.

Este programa marcó el primer Curatorial Intensivo que ICI desarrolló en español, ofreciendo a los curadores de habla hispana la oportunidad de conocer colegas de todo el mundo, compartir ideas sobre cómo impulsar los parámetros de su práctica y construir una red para futuras colaboraciones.

Con motivo de este Intensivo, el ICI y el MACBA publicaron una lectura con ensayos clave sobre la práctica curatorial, muchos de los cuales no han sido traducidos al español con anterioridad.

Developed by ICI in collaboration with MACBA - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires, the Curatorial Intensive On Curating: Between Theory and Practice examined the developments of the curatorial field and the changing role of the curator, while exploring research-based initiatives, independent projects, collections and institutional building, and new financial architectures, among other topics. 

This program marked the first Curatorial Intensive that ICI developed in Spanish, offering Spanish-speaking curators the opportunity to meet colleagues from around the world, share ideas on how to push the parameters of their practice, and build a network for future collaborations.

On the occasion of this Intensive, ICI and MACBA published a reader with key essays on curatorial practice, many of which have not been translated into Spanish before.

Fernanda Albuquerque

Fernanda Albuquerque is a curator and art critic who is a PhD candidate in History, Theory, and Art Criticism at UFRGS, Porto Alegre, and a PhD associate student at UAL, London.

Eduardo Carrera

Eduardo Carrera (b. Quito, 1987) is a curator, art historian, and writer based in Philadelphia.

Paola Fontana

Paola Fontana lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Gabriela Forcadell

Gabriela Forcadell has a degree in visual arts from IUNA and graduated from Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredon, Buenos Aires.

Anamaría Garzón Mantilla

Anamaría Garzón Mantilla is an art historian and professor at Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

Ana Garcia Gibson

Ana Garcia Gibson received a degree in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buenos Aires before beginning a careeer in museums.

Marcela Guerrero

Marcela Guerrero is the DeMartini Family Curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.

Fabiola Iza

Fabiola Iza is an independent curator, writer, and art historian.

Erika Martinez

Erika Martinez is a social communicator and journalist who graduated from the Universidad la Savannah in 2001.

Ivan Mejia

Ivan Mejia is an independent curator with a PhD in the History of Art from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (2010).

Maike Pricelius

Maike Pricelius is in the process of completing her PhD thesis in Art History at Humboldt University Berlin.

Teresa Riccardi

Teresa Riccardi is co-editor and co-founder of the magazine Blanco sobre Blanco and has published extensively nationally and internationally.

Florencia Portocarrero

Florencia Portocarrero (Lima, 1981) writes, lectures, teaches, and, organizes both exhibitions and public programs.

Renaud Proch

Renaud Proch is Independent Curators International (ICI)’s Executive & Artistic Director.

María del Carmen Carrión

María del Carmen Carrión is Project Manager for the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Research Institute for the Study of Art from Latin America, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Magalí Arriola

Magalí Arriola is the Director at Museo Tamayo.

Michelle Marxuach

Michelle Marxuach lives and works in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where she is the co-director and co-founder of Beta-Local.

Abraham Cruzvillegas

Abraham Cruzvillegas is one of the most important conceptual artists of his generation to come out of the vibrant art scene in Mexico.

Naomi Beckwith

Naomi Beckwith is the Deputy Director and Jennifer and David Stockman Chief Curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Artistic Director of Documenta 16.

Ana Longoni

Ana Longoni is a writer, researcher of CONICET, and professor at Buenos Aires University.

Agustín Pérez Rubio

Agustin Pérez Rubio is an historian, art critic, and curator.

Alejandro Meitin

Alejandro Meitin is an artist, lawyer, environmental activist, and co-founder of the art collective Ala Plástica, based in La Plata, Argentina.

Sobre MACBA – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires
[smal]MACBA, abrió sus puertas el 1 de septiembre de 2012 en el barrio de San Telmo. Tiene por misión adquirir, conservar, investigar, documentar, comunicar y exhibir el arte contemporáneo nacional e internacional. Se propone como un foro de reflexión y acceso a las distintas tendencias del arte contemporáneo y, en particular, a la abstracción geométrica, dada su importancia histórica local y global. Esta tendencia que marca el perfil de su colección, será su principal objeto de estudio e investigación. La educación por el arte y la inclusión social es su objetivo a corto y largo plazo.

El Intensivo Curatorial es posible gracias al aporte de Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, Dedalus Foundation, Hartfield Foundation, y Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation; y gracias a las generosas contribuciones de Toby Devan Lewis, ICI Board of Trustees, ICI Gerrit Lansing Education Fund, y los contribuyentes de ICI Access Fund.

About MACBA - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires
MACBA opened to the public on September 1, 2012 in San Telmo. Its mission is to acquire, preserve, investigate, document, communicate, and exhibit national and international contemporary art. Its intention is to become a forum for reflection and access to the different trends in contemporary art and, in particular, geometric abstraction, given its local and global historical importance. This tendency marks the profile of its collection and will be its primary object of study and research. Education through art and social inclusion it’s also its objective in the short and the long term.

The Curatorial Intensive is made possible in part by grants from the Lily Auchincloss Foundation, the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, the Dedalus Foundation, the Hartfield Foundation, and the Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation; and by generous contributions from Toby Devan Lewis, the ICI Board of Trustees, the ICI Gerrit Lansing Education Fund, and the supporters of ICI’s Access Fund.

Additional scholarship provided by Revolver Galería.