Michelle Marxuach lives and works in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She is the co-director and co-founder of Beta-Local. Her practice is born out of an interest to enhance the creative field and encourage interdisciplinary practices that rethink and redesign their own forms and structures to articulate answers and invent solutions to current issues. She believes that creative, aesthetic thinking is essential for healthy social change. From 2005-07 Marxuach took a sabbatical from the field of contemporary art to engage in the restoration and design of a historic structure in Old San Juan, which is now home to the Beta-Local program. From 1999-2004, Marxuach founded and directed the art space, M & M projects, an alternative nonprofit space dedicated to strengthening the production of contemporary art in Puerto Rico and its promotion internationally. As part of the space, she created a workshop for local residents and international artists. Marxuach organized exhibitions at the Fundación Joan Miró, Barcelona; Ex Teresa, Mexico; Museum of Modern Art of Sto. Domingo; and the Museum of Art of Puerto Rico, among others. Her curatorial practice established a forum for dialogue and camaraderie among artists, where projects were discussed and potentiated beyond traditional exhibition spaces.
Michelle Marxuach