Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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401 Broadway #1620
New York, NY 10013
+1 212 254 8200


Artnet News Press: Marian Goodman Gallery Initiative

On Jan 19, 2021

In honor of the late Nigerian curator Okwui Enwezor, Marian Goodman Gallery and ICI have launched a new initiative to fund career opportunities for early- and mid-career BIPOC curators.

The program, funded by Marian Goodman Gallery and designed by artist Steve McQueen, will award two research fellowships with the non-profit Independent Curators International. The awards will be given every year for the next three years to BIPOC curators in the U.S. or to curators of African descent located anywhere in the world. Read more here.