Marie Hélène Pereira is a curator and the Director of Programs at RAW Material Company in Dakar, Senegal. She co-curated Scattered Seeds in Cali-Colombia (2015-2017) and curated Battling to normalize freedom at Clarkhouse Initiative in Mumbai, India (2017). She was a co-curator of Canine Wisdom for the Barking Dog - The Dog Done Gone Deaf. Exploring The Sonic Cosmologies of Halim El-Dabh with Dr. Bonaventure Ndikung at the 13th edition of Dakar Biennale of Contemporary African art (2018). Feeling an urgency to engage with institutional propositions of thoughts and actions with real-life consequences, Pereira will dedicate time to investigate pockets of resistance that had a real impact on specific revolutionary moments: including journalist Carlos Cardoso’s Metical fax journal in Mozambique; the Escola pilotos and caring practices from the PAIGC women activists in Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde and Senegal; the experience of JAM gallery and the empowerment of Black artists in New York; and Afro Colombian women clustering at La Casa del Chontaduro in Cali Colombia.
Recipient of the Marian Goodman Gallery Initiative Fellowship: Marie Hélène Pereira

On Jun 14, 2021