Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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401 Broadway #1620
New York, NY 10013
+1 212 254 8200


ICI in Australia

Feb 19, 2012
4–6 pm


ICI's Executive Director, Kate Fowle, will be traveling to Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Adelaide from February 19 to March 5 conducting research into what "international" means for curators today. Through a series of roundtable discussions with professionals as well as meetings and archival research into the history of international exhibitions in the country, Kate will gather information towards a publication on "The New International."

Join Kate for one of her public talks on ICI and curating now:

New Strategies for mobile institutions and the paracuratorial
Tuesday, February 21

Ian Potter Museum of Art
The University of Melbourne
800 Swanston Street
Carlton, VIC 3010
Melbourne, Australia

ICI is traditionally known for developing new models for exhibitions on the move. In the last two years the organization has also been responding to the needs of the expanding curatorial field by diversifying its programming to encompass talks, conferences, think-tanks, short-course training programs, an online network and journal, and a Curatorial Hub in New York that offers a base for visiting curators. Through these new initiatives ICI is starting to create an international forum for the research and development of curatorial practices, connecting emerging and established professionals around the world and bringing behind-the-scenes curatorial discourse to new audiences.

Reflexive Curating: Generative practices today
Thursday, February 23

43-51 Cowper Wharf Road
Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011
Sydney, Australia

While the 1990s saw a boom in the creation of biennials across the world that started to open up the potential for dialogues between divergent practitioners, the last decade has seen the evolution of new models for institutions that enable networks and collaborations between artists, curators, and organisations regionally and internationally. These have established platforms from which to generate programming and research that goes beyond the national or localised mandates of the traditional contemporary art museum, and instead encourages the accumulation of knowledge and projects through shared concerns based on experience and practice. This has led to expanded ways of thinking about how curating mediates and produces discourse as well as exhibitions, which in turn pushes the parameters of what we consider the role of the curator to be today. This presentation will look at recent examples of institutions that reflexively question these issues as they develop.

Kate Fowle's visit to Australia is supported by Gertrude Contemporary and the Australia Council for the Arts International Visitors Program.

For more information about ICI's travels to Australia, visit our website here or contact Mandy Sa at

Kate Fowle

Kate Fowle is Director, Arts Program at the Hearthland Foundation.