What kind of stories can be told when we unravel history’s familiar threads? François Bucher’s films, The Man Who Disappeared (2011) and Fractal Access Totems (2012), ask viewers to question the fabric of knowledge, including the linearity of time, the organization of space, and the entanglement of seemingly disparate histories. In Bucher’s hands, moving image media are portals to multiverses, real and imagined—join us in thinking widely, and wildly, across disciplines, archives, and histories. These films are exhibited as part of Never Spoken Again: Rogue Stories of Science and Collections, on view at the MSU Broad January 25 – August 23, 2020.
More information about the screening can be found here.
Gymnasium: Archiving the City in Comics
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
6:30 - 8:30 PM
MSU Broad Museum
547 E Circle Dr.
East Lansing, MI
From the illustrated culture of the nineteenth century to contemporary Afrofuturist visions, Americans have expressed a collective anxiety about cities—as well as aspirations about the city—in comics. Professor Julian Chambliss leads an open gym in which participants approach comics as a continually evolving archive of the modern urban experience. To explore how comics’ special relationship to words and images have helped Americans imagine the city, audiences will create a comic zine that documents their experiences of city life, in conversation with Professor Chambliss’s research and via exploration of the MSU Broad's exhibitions, Never Spoken Again: Rogue Stories of Science and Collections and John Lucas and Claudia Rankine: Situations.
More information about the event can be found here.
On Screen: Laura Huertas Millán
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
7-9 PM
MSU Broad Museum
547 E Circle Dr.
East Lansing, MI
How does fiction—stories, myths, fables, fantasies—inform the research practices of social scientists? The films of Laura Huertas Millán question the conventions of ethnographic documentary filmmaking that have othered South American populations, histories and landscapes, and argue for narrative, aesthetics, and emotion as critical for decentering colonial archival histories. In doing so, Millán’s films vitalize a constellation of agencies whose impact on South America have not been legible within the record of institutionalized social science, past or present. Join us for a guided viewing of Millán’s ethnographic fictions, Journey to a Land Otherwise Known (2011) and Aequador (2012), featured as part of Never Spoken Again: Rogue Stories of Science and Collections, on view at the MSU Broad January 25 – August 23, 2020.
More information about the screening can be found here.
Programming organized by MSU Broad Museum.