As part of ICI’s Curator’s Perspective—an itinerant public discussion series featuring national and international curators—Kitty Scott (co-curator, Liverpool Biennial 2018) will present on her research towards the upcoming 10th edition of the Biennial, Beautiful world, where are you?
She will discuss questions that helped shape her thinking, such as: Why do these city-based, iterative events continue to matter? Is it possible to disentangle the optimism of the globality of their vision of contemporary art from the cynicism of the financial globalism that sustains them? At its best, the structure of the biennial opens up a fold in space and time: a pocket that, if fragile and ephemeral, nevertheless exists outside of the rigid bureaucracies of more traditional institutional forms like the museum or the gallery.
The Liverpool Biennial 2018, Beautiful world, where are you? invites artists and audiences to reflect on a world of social, political and economic turmoil.
This event is free and open to the public. To attend, please RSVP to with KITTY in the subject line.
Hosted by Parsons Fine Arts.