Hylozoic/Desires (Himali Singh Soin & David Soin Tappeser) is a multi-media performance duo whose work combines experimental poetry and improvisational jazz drums in order to conjure borgesian, speculative futures or multiverses. H/D aspire toward a flat ontological ether in which all forms of life—solid, stone, spirit or human—are equal. H/D’s sense of time and space is messy. H/D’s research orbits around (non)place and history as a lens through which to look upon the multiple materialities of contemporary existence. H/D is concerned with the (poly)rhythms of love and the bea(s)t of belonging. They use metaphor as an event, as a force of attraction that holds otherwise distant entities together.
Himali is a writer and artist based between London and Delhi. She uses metaphors from outer space and the natural environment to construct imaginary cosmologies of interferences, entanglements, deep voids, debris, delays, alienation, distance and intimacy. In doing this, she thinks through ecological loss, and the loss of home, seeking shelter somewhere in the radicality of love. Her speculations are performed in audio-visual, immersive environments.
david soin tappeser is a drummer, composer and performance artist based between london and new delhi. his practice revolves around experimentation, improvisation and the manipulation of time through rhythm. He plays with the thin place between structure and serendipity to traverse multiple time zones and code narratives otherwise unspeakable. his approach to the drum set puts strong emphasis on the aesthetics of tone, sound and dynamics and is influenced by long periods of time spent in india, italy, nepal and mexico.