Rolando Hernández is an artist living between CDMX and Oaxaca City. He is interested in sound and its social political and historiographical relations and incidences.
His "Social Sound Sculptures" series tries to create devices blending institutional critique, sound, performance to question the limits of the roles of the arstist as curator, researcher and manager. Relevant work of this series are Umbral (2013 -2021), a project space and festival focused in sound practices bringing together more than 400 projects between ; CCADDASM (2015-2022), an artistic institution and archive, creating exhibitions, documentaries, radio novels and texts to create an alternate way of reading sound practices in Mexico and Yutindudi, a project based in the Mixtec Mountains which works as an experimental open air stage including a residence program, a festival without audience among other projects.
Rolando Hernández has presented and exhibited work at MUAC, Het Hem, Unsound Festival, Dar Jacir Foundation for Art and Research, The Institute for Endotic, Research, Centro de Arte Sonoro de Argentina, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Festival Internacional CuatroXCuatro, TSONAMI Arte Sonoro, ZENTRALE, la cápsula etc.
He has been awarded with different grands and comissions by Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo (MX) , Dar Jacir Foundation for Art and Research (PS), FONCA (MX), TSONAMI Arte Sonoro (CL), Danza UNAM (MX), Factory Media Centre (CAN).
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Rolando Hernández
Dec 9, 2022 – Feb 28, 2023