Tamara Ibarra is a visual artist who works in various interdisciplinary mediums within art and curating. She was been awarded the Apoyo prize for curatorial projects in Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo (PAC), Jóvenes Creadores en Medios Alternativos (FONCA), Desarrollo Artístico Individual (CONACULTA-IVEC) and she was nominated for the National Youth Prize in 2011 for "OVO", an indepedent project space that she directed from 2009-2011 for art students in La Esmeralda. She has exhibited in Mexico at the Museum of Modern Art, National Museum of Estampa among others, as well as the Kunstverein Viernheim (Germany). She has curated exhibitions at the Centro Nacional de las Artes and National Museum of the Philippines. Since 2012, she has done research for "Tomar la Ola", which reviews and maps the current independent spaces in Mexico during the period 2009-2014.
Tamara Ibarra

Nov 1, 2020 – Feb 1, 2022