Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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Mapping Central America: Colombia (Caribbean Region)

On Jan 4, 2013

La Usurpadora

La Usurpadora is an artist-run space in the city of Barranquilla, created by Maria Isabel Rueda and Mario Llanos, to support emerging artists. Tired of the so-called “local art scene,” La Usurpadora believes that art can be seen from a different perspective, more spontaneous and not so “institutional,” contrasting with traditional arts management practices in Barranquilla.

The need to create La Usurpadora emerges from the absence of spaces for artists to show and disseminate their work, and the subordinate position of the local scene, in relation to a Colombian artistic circuit centered in cities like Cali and Bogota.

La Usurpadora wants to work with artists that can show an authentic stance towards the current events of contemporary art, regardless their age or curriculum. As stated by Michele Faguet in El Efecto Cenincienta (2008) [The Cinderella Effect], the strengthening of a local scene fully relies on the aperture of that scene to historical practices and divergent points of view.

Lacking a venue, La Usurpadora works as a nomadic space that occupies different places around the city, and temporarily adapts them to each project.

Reflecting the evolving landscape of the art scene, this platform will be updated as new information becomes available. Thanks to the artists and curators who have helped to shape and enrich the project to date.

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