Born in 1963 in a Dogon village, called Dinangourou. Hama Goro began his artistic career in 1987 after studying at the National Institute of Art in Bamako, the Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam, Masters in Artistic and Cultural Actions CAMM-Bamako Mali. Since 1999, he has been involved in research for the development of the visual arts sector and the improvement of the living and working conditions of young artists through the Center Soleil d'Afrique located in Bamako- Mali of which he is one initiators. Member of several networks including the KYA Networks, Arterial Network and Arts collaboratory, becomes a member of ICI, after his training as curator in Johannesburg South Africa. All his life focused on art, GORO has initiated and realized several artistic projects including the finalities of exhibitions in public places or galleries. In this case: Call for National Unity (Bamako 2012), Meetings DJEKA-Miri / Reflect together, What Dreams African Women (Bamako, Sikasso, Segou 2014), Tea Ceremony (Bamako, Jakarta, Bishkek) and October 2018 curator of the exhibition: "The Amazons of the Shadow" of Painter Ahoua YAMEOGO in Burkina Faso. He is now Director of the cultural NGO Soleil d'Afrique Bamako Mali, and initiator of several projects including the African Virtual Images Festival (FAIVA).