Olga Sureda Guasch (Barcelona, Spain, 1984) is an independent curator, writer and cultural manager, currently based in Barcelona, Spain. She graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona (UB) and finished her studies at the University of West England, Faculty of Arts, Media and Design in Bristol. In 2010 she obtained her Master degree in Management and Design of Exhibitions at the European University of Madrid (UEM), where later on she worked as an exhibition coordinator at different Cultural Management enterprises. She has been attending several seminars, courses and residencies about Curatorial Studies such as ICI (Independent Curators International), New York, the Internationale Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst, Salzburg, or Node Center for Curatorial Studies, in Berlin, where she curated and participated in diverse exhibitions and artistic projects. Olga Sureda is author of several essays about Curatorial Practices and Contemporary Art published in different countries, such as the Philippines, Egypt, Portugal and Spain. Olga is part of the research group of the platform Global Art Archive and one of the coordinators of the training seminar ON MEDIATION_Theory and Curatorial Practices in the Global Art, organized by the research Group Art Globalisation Interculturailty (AGI), at the University of Barcelona. Sureda belongs to a select group of Museum Mediators as part of the Lifelong Learning Program, ECCOM, and she is currently working at ADN Galeria (Barcelona), responsible for Press and Communication.
Olga Sureda Guasch
