Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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Listen Now! Artist, Sofia de Grenade featured on CEdA podcast

Installation view at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2020. Photo: Eat Pomegranate Photography. Courtesy of MSU Broad and ICI.

On Aug 3, 2020

Santiago, Chile

Installation view at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2020. Photo: Eat Pomegranate Photography. Courtesy of MSU Broad and ICI.

The Center for Art Studies CEdA is a platform devoted to the study and promotion of contemporary art practices in Chile. Their new podcast, hosted by Valentina Gutierrez Turbay and Sebastian Vidal Valenzuela, invites artists to discuss a central topic that defines their practice. Sofia de Grenade is the guest of episode #4, where she discusses her artistic trajectory and expands her participation in Never Spoken Again through the overarching topic of toxins. Here, Sofia performs remarkable connections between environmental management, capitalism, symbolic violence and colonialism, and takes time to put forward the ecology of personal and professional connections, references and relationships that inspire and nurture her practice.

For more information about CEdA, click here.

To listen to Sofia de Grenade's featured episode on Spotify, Click here. Please note, this podcast is only available in Spanish.

El Centro de Estudios de Arte CEdA está dedicado al estudio y promoción de las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas en Chile. Su nuevo podcast, a cargo de Valentina Gutierrez Turbay y Sebastian Vidal Valenzuela, invita a diferentes artistas a conversar sobre un tema central que define su práctica. Sofía de Grenade es la invitada del cuarto episodio, donde ella discute su trayectoria artística y explica su participación en Never Spoken Again desde el concepto general de las toxinas. Aquí, Sofía realiza conexiones extraordinarias entre la gestión ambiental y del paisaje, el capitalismo, la violencia simbólica y el colonialismo, además de tomarse un tiempo para promover la ecología de conexiones, referentes y relaciones personales y profesionales que inspiran y nutren su trabajo.

Para más información sobre CEdA ven aquí

Escucha a Sofía de Grenade aquí. Este podcast solo está disponible en español.