On Tuesday April 6, 10am ICI's Leadership Council hosted a virtual breakfast and conversation with Barbara London. Barbara is one of the most influential curators of new media art. She is a pioneering curator of media art, having founded the video-media Exhibition & Collection Programs at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). London teaches in the Sound Art Department at Columbia University, and previously taught in the Graduate Art Department, Yale, 2014-2019. London presented on her practice and her latest exhibition, Seeing Sound, traveling internationally with ICI through 2025 and opening at KADIST San Francisco this summer. This program is a private preview of ICI’s Curator’s Perspective public talk series, featuring established curators who present their work and research to shed light on movements and models that are shaping the curatorial field today.
Leadership Council Private Virtual Breakfast with Barbara London
Barbara London
Barbara London is a New York-based curator and writer, who founded the Video-media Exhibition & Collection Programs at The Museum of Modern Art.