Join ICI and unbag for a conversation with Anthea Behm, Charles Eppley, David Hecht, Melanie Hoff, and Alicia Ritson—organizers and co-facilitators of the Interdisciplinary Art and Theory Program, Cybernetics Library, and New Museum Seminars respectively. Together we will discuss how knowledge-building programs nested within larger institutions and peripatetic platforms hosted by brick and mortar organizations propose alternative ways we may resource space as well as one another in an era of globalized knowledge sharing.
This event brings together three neighboring organizations and collectives around ICI’s public programs core values of sharing and connecting resources among New York City’s arts organizations and non-profits. Each of these programs activates and engages entropic institutional blind spots differently. This workshop will ask how each program effects and shapes the organizations from their respective positions. Through this discussion we will look to see what tools we may cull from this conversation in thinking of how we consider our own relationships to institutions and ways we engage with them—individually and collectively—stand to change their constitutions.
Each of three collectives and/or organizations touches on these themes through different means of engagement. The Cybernetics Library provides alternative means of establishing and circulating knowledge by engaging and shifting how we validate, distribute, and sanction such information within institutions; the Interdisciplinary Art and Theory Program brings attention to the analog methodologies that embed themselves within larger organizational frameworks; and the New Museum Seminars have acted as discursive programs that operate within institutional structures temporarily.
This event is free and open to the public. To attend, please RSVP to with UNBAG in the subject line.
This event is accessible to people with mobility disabilities. Please contact ICI for additional accessibility needs.