Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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Liverpool Biennial Associate Artists

Simeon Barclay, installation view of The Feast Wagon, The Tetley, Leeds, 2015. Photo by Jules Lister.

Jan 1, 2018 – Jul 9, 2018

Liverpool, England, UK
Liverpool Biennial

55 New Bird Street
Liverpool L1 0BW

Simeon Barclay, installation view of The Feast Wagon, The Tetley, Leeds, 2015. Photo by Jules Lister.

The Liverpool Biennial Associate Artists Programme is a three-year partnership led by the Biennial with ICI and CACTUS gallery in Liverpool. The program offers 10 artists based in the North of England an international framework for artistic development and support.

As part of this three-year partnership (2016-18), each Associate Artist is paired with a curator selected from ICI’s network of Curatorial Intensive alumni, who will serve as mentors. This will provide the artists with an opportunity to develop their practice, gain an insight into the dynamics of the art world, and develop international networks.

The program will launch at the opening of the Liverpool Biennial on July 9, 2016, where the Associate Artists and the curators will meet in person and hold studio and site visits. In addition to regular conversations, in-person encounters will be made possible through the duration of the program as part of a travel budget provided to each Associate Artist to visit their mentors in their home cities.

The artist and curator pairings are:

Simeon Barclay (Chester) — Rattanamol Johal (C-MAP Fellow for Asia, Department of Media and Performance Art at MoMA, New York, NY)

Jacqueline Bebb (Chester) — Amanda de la Garza Mata (Associate Curator at the University Museum of Contemporary Art in Mexico City, Mexico)

Lindsey Bull (Manchester) — Mónica Espinel (Independent Curator based in New York, NY)

Robert Carter & Lauren Velvick (Manchester) — Meaghan Kent (Director and Chief Curator of SITE95 in Guadalajara, Mexico)

Nina Chua (Manchester) — Rotem Rozental (Writer, Curator, and Photo Historian based in Los Angeles, CA)

Matthew Crawley (York) — Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo (Art Historian at the Complutense University if Madrid, Spain)

Frances Disley (Liverpool) — Rachel Cook (Curator at DiverseWorks in Houston, TX)

Daniel Fogarty (Manchester) — Karen Patterson (Curator at John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan, Wisconsin)

Harry Meadley (Leeds) — Rosa Lleó (Writer and Independent Curator based in Barcelona, Spain)

Stephen Sheehan (Birkenhead) — Övül Durmusoglu (Freelance Writer and Curator and Director of YAMA screen in Istanbul, Turkey)

The Associate Artists Programme is an initiative of the Liverpool Biennial supported by a £250,000 investment from the Arts Council England International Showcasing Fund. It creates opportunities for artists based outside London to build sustainable international careers, provided they have the opportunity to strengthen their networks and markets beyond the UK.

For more information, please visit the Liverpool Biennial website here.



Rattanamol Singh Johal

Rattanamol Singh Johal is the Shireen and Afzal Ahmad Professor of South Asian Arts and Assistant Professor, History of Art at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Meaghan Kent

Meaghan Kent is the Deputy Director at MOCA North Miami.

Övül Ö. Durmusoglu

Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu is a curator, writer, and educator working on constructive critiques of civilization, sustainability of intersectional futures, and practices of togetherness.

Mónica Espinel

Monica Espinel is an independent curator and writer specializing in Modern and Contemporary Art from Latin America.

Amanda de la Garza Mata

Amanda de la Garza Mata (Mexico,1981) lives and works in Mexico City.

Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo

Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo is an art historian from the UCM, Madrid, MA in Cultural Management from Instituto Ortega y Gasset, and she is part as curator of the ICI New York (Bogotá, 2013).

Rotem Rozental

Rotem Rozental, Ph.D, is the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Center of Photography.

Rachel Cook

Rachel Cook is the Artistic Director of On the Boards, a Contemporary Performance Center in Seattle.

Rosa Lleó

Rosa Lleó is a curator and writer based in Barcelona. She is founder and director of the small-scale organization The Green Parrot.

Karen Patterson

Karen Patterson is Curator at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC) in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.