For the second year, ICI together with SAHA and The Dedalus Foundation are offering research awards to encourage productive networks between curators. The awards will support alumni from any of the past Curatorial Intensive programs developing a research project in collaboration with at least one other alumnus.
The first award is a collaboration between SAHA and ICI in the amount of $3,000. To qualify for the ICI and SAHA Research Award for Curatorial Intensive Alumni the project must involve a Turkish curator or artist, or research must take place in Turkey.
Click here for more information on the SAHA Research Award
The second award is a collaboration between The Dedalus Foundation and ICI in the amount of $4,000. To qualify for the ICI and The Dedalus Foundation Research Award for Curatorial Intensive Alumni, the project must involve a US curator or artist or the research must take place in the United States.
Click here for more information on The Dedalus Foundation Research Award