Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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New York, NY 10013
+1 212 254 8200


Curatorial Roundtable at e-flux

Oct 24, 2012
6:30–8:30 pm

New York, NY, USA

311 East Broadway, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003

This roundtable discussion brings together four of the international faculty of the Fall 2012 Curatorial Intensive: Curating Beyond Exhibition-Making: Anthony Huberman (The Artist's Institute, New York), Chus Martínez (dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, Germany), Sally Tallant (Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, UK), and Dominic Willsdon (SFMoMA, San Francisco).

Moderated by Kate Fowle, topics under discussion will include what “non-exhibitionary” practice constitutes; how new institutional models are developed around this approach to curating; and how this recent interest in pedagogy—the “educational turn” in art—has impacted ways artists and curators collaborate.

This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to with Curatorial Roundtable in the subject field. For more information contact Misa Jeffereis at

Kate Fowle

Kate Fowle is Director, Arts Program at the Hearthland Foundation.

Chus Martínez

Born in Spain, Chus Martínez has a background in philosophy and art history. Currently she is the Head of the Institute of Art of the FHNW Academy of Arts and Design in Basel, Switzerland.

Anthony Huberman

Anthony Huberman is a curator and writer based in New York, where he is currently the director of The Artist's Institute and a distinguished lecturer at Hunter College.

Dominic Willsdon

Dominic Willsdon is an educator and curator. He is the Director of the Institute for Contemporary Art at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, where he is also associate professor in art education.

Sally Tallant

Sally Tallant is the President and Executive Director of the Queens Museum, New York.


This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.