Esteban King Álvarez (México City, 1986) is researcher, art historian and curator. He holds a BA in History and a MA in Art History from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His work focuses on modern and contemporary art and its relationships with music and literature. He has developed projects that interwove sound, archive and writing from the perspective of art history and contemporary art. He has written several articles in books and art catalogues, among others: “Strindentism and Urban Imaginaries” for the catalogue Avant-garde in Mexico, 1915-1940 (National Museum of Art, 2013); “New narrative strategies: the works of Salvador Elizondo” for the catalogue Defying stability: artistic processes in Mexico, 1952-1967 (MUAC, 2014) and “Sonorama. Art and technology from hi-fi to MP3” for the catalogue Sonorama (Museo Universitario del Chopo, 2014). He is curator of the collective exhibitions Transcripciones (Museo Universitario del Chopo, 2014), Una red de líneas que se intersecan (ESPAC, 2016) and La nueva onda del silencio (El cuarto de máquinas, 2017), among many others. From 2012 to 2015 he was curator and chief researcher at the Museo Universitario del Chopo, and from 2015 to 2019 curator and editor at ESPAC, Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo. He’s currently studying a PHD on Art History at UNAM, is part of the curatorial team of the XIV Bienal FEMSA Inestimable Azar, and works as a freelance writer.
Esteban King Álvarez
