Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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401 Broadway #1620
New York, NY 10013
+1 212 254 8200


The Mohile Parikh Center

The Mohile Parikh Center (MPC), Mumbai, is one of the leading centers in India devoted to Art, Culture and Education, with a focus on the visual arts, contemporary culture, media, underserved communities, and continuing education. Since its inception in 1990, it has provided extraordinary opportunities to both emerging and established artists, scholars from a variety of disciplines, cultural theorists, writers, students, children, and the general public to engage and interact with ideas and transformations in culture and society at large. In recognition to its contributions, the MPC has received grants from the Getty Foundation (2004) and its activities are presently supported by Hivos, Doen Foundation, Mondriaan Foundation & Arts Collaboratory. The MPC seeks to offer an integrated approach in interdisciplinary initiatives and lifelong learning by addressing cultural diversity, developing creative modes of pedagogy, and broadening the understanding of various knowledge systems in the contemporary world.