Gürsoy Doğtaş is an art historian who works para-curatorially at the intersections of institutional critique, structural racism, and queer studies. He has (co-)curated the exhibition Gurbette Kalmak (Staying in foreignness, 2023) at Taxispalais in Innsbruck, Annem işçi – Who Sews the Red Flags? (2024) in the Museum Marta Herford, There is no there there (2024) at Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt, or the festival What would James Baldwin do? (2024) in Berlin and the symposium Public Art: The Right to Remember and the Reality of Cities (2021) in Nuremberg. In 2022/23 he was a visiting professor at the Institute for Art in Context at Berlin University of the Arts; 2024/25 he is QuiS Visiting Research Fellowship at the Städelschule and Goethe University in Frankfurt.
Gürsoy Doğtaş

Photo: Frank Stolle