Heejin Kim is curator, director of Art Space Pool (2010-present) and former curator of Insa Art Space (2006-09) in Seoul. Kim’s curatorial interest is institutional critique from the perspective of cultural politics, artists’ practice-oriented knowledge production, articulation of local creative languages and performative education in curating. Kim’s projects take integrated forms of collective research lab, dialogical discursive workshop, presentation, production and publication. Some of the examples include Dongducheon: A Walk to Remember, A Walk to Envision” (2007-08, New Museum, NY & IAS, Seoul), John Bock: 2 handbags in a pickle (2008, Arko Art Center & IAS, Seoul), Unconquered: Critical Visions from South Korea (2009, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City), Tongue, Liberated! (2008), Thought is made in the mouth (2007), Frame Builders: The Choice of Local Art Institution in the time of Institutional Critique (2006), and most recently, Day of Confidence (2010), the project in six parts at Pool. Pool/Kim is one of “Museum as Hub,” the partnership of five international art institutions for inter-regional curatorial collaborations.
Heejin Kim
Long Island City, USA
Pittsburgh, USA
Houston, TX, USA
Virginia Beach, USA
Chattanooga, TN, USA
Marfa, USA
Chicago, IL, USA
Newport Beach, USA
Salina, KS, USA
Regina, Canada
Rochester, NY, USA
Boston, USA
Cedar Rapids, USA
Coral Springs, USA
Charlottesville, USA
West Lafayette, USA
Atlanta, USA
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Austin, TX, USA
East Lansing, MI, USA