Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

Independent Curators International supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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New York, NY 10013
+1 212 254 8200


NGCI School Tours of EN MAS' Featured on Cayman Compass

Cayman Prep visits NGCI. Courtesy of the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands.

On Mar 30, 2016

Cayman Islands

Cayman Prep visits NGCI. Courtesy of the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands.

Cayman Compass recently featured the National Gallery of the Cayman Island's school tour program as part of EN MAS’: Carnival and Performance Art of the Caribbean To read the article, visit Cayman Compass' website, here.